Family Friendly Practice

Let’s face it, Mom’s don’t get the respect or credit they are due. Nor do they get the support they need. My work is tremendously helpful in rehabilitating women’s bodies after birth. This work can do wonders for any Mom AND there is a special window of time in the first 3-6 months or so when a postpartum body is very malleable, for good or ill (i.e. slumped shoulder and that hump that developed at the base of your neck and during the first year while you were nursing and caring for your little one).

On the bright side, your body is like supple clay under my hands ( or in my Pilates studio) during that window. I recognize how difficult it can be to do ANYTHING for yourself while your baby is so small but it can save a lot of discomfort/pain and work later on to address your postpartum body while it is still easy to manipulate. Toward that end, I strongly encourage you to do whatever it takes to get on my table, including bringing your baby to the appointment with you. If you have other children they are also welcome.

The youngest client I have worked with was 5 and the oldest 97. I love working with folks in all stages of life and I appreciate clients who bring the whole family in for treatments as they see formidable changes in themselves.